Sandra Duncan

Reclaiming children’s loss of habitat by rethinking classroom design

In the April issue of Parenta Magazine I have an article on Page 6 and 7 covering the topic of reclaiming children loss of habitat by rethinking classroom design. Take a look at the small excerpt below, and use the link at the bottom of the article to see the full story at Parenta Magazine.

Loss of habitat for wild species

Loss of habitat for nature’s wild species is a worldwide threat. The lakes, forests, swamps, plains, and other habitats which plants, fungi, and animals call home are disappearing at an alarming rate. With every passing day, the list of endangered and threatened animals continues to mount. The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species estimates there are more than 40,000 threatened wild species such as amphibians, mammals, birds, and sharks. Even more disturbing is that some wild species (i.e. Northern White Rhinoceros, Splendid Poison Frog) are no longer threatened but have succumbed to extinction. Much of this loss is because of human activity. Natural habitats are being destroyed with bulldozers ploughing down forests, highways being built in wetlands, and pollution disrupting the natural rhythms of nature including migration, propagation, and finding food and water.

The good news is that many believe habitat loss is reversible and it is within our capabilities and power to rebuild nature’s ecosystems. On a national level, for example, organizations such as River Partners are helping to restore floodplains in California by using the latest developments in science and technology. On a local level, the National Wildlife Federation recommends creating a Certified Wildlife Habitat  in your community or backyard or, even better yet, outside the classroom door.

Look for the April 2022 Issue to read more!