Sandra Duncan

As an adjunct faculty, Sandra Duncan works with doctoral candidates at Nova Southeastern University Fischler Graduate School of Education, and is co-author of several books geared towards guiding early childhood educators in designing inspiring environments and connecting young children to nature.

The Honeycomb Hypothesis - NEW RELEASE

As honeybees instinctively gather and store pollen, young children accumulate understandings through play, novelty, and repeating patterns of movement.

Three leaders in early care and education explore this premise with expertise and whimsy, sharing creative, delightful ways to spark the youngest imaginations. The Honeycomb Hypothesis will enliven your teaching practice with original ideas, materials and activities, celebrating the magic that happens when children and nature are brought together with intention and inspiration.


Through A Child’s Eyes

When was the last time you got down on your hands and knees to see your classroom from a child’s height? Classroom design is a crucial component of an effective learning environment. Through a Child’s Eyes: How Classroom Design Inspires Learning and Wonder brings a new approach to classroom design that begins and ends with the child’s viewpoint. Each chapter details how the classroom environment influences children’s learning, and the authors provide specific examples of how educators can use the children’s perspective to make their classrooms a place of joy and possibility.

Bringing The Outside In

Bringing the wonders of nature to children is truly a worthwhile journey. Bringing the Outside In: Ideas for Creating Nature-Based Classroom Experiences for Young Children offers extraordinary nature-based experiences to encourage educators and young children to bring the natural world into the early childhood classroom.

Each hands-on, open-ended, and sensory oriented experience is designed to spark discovery and imagination, encourage conversations and collaborations, allow young children to develop a sense of wonder, and get to know the natural world inch-by-inch and bit-by-bit.

Rethinking The Classroom Landscape

An early childhood classroom should reinforce and enhance young children’s sense of belonging and connection to their environment, each other, their families, and their community. Rethinking the Classroom Landscape invites educators and administrators to rethink the traditional classroom, with inspirational examples showing how to weave elements that reflect each center’s community into the classroom design. Easy-to-implement ideas and strategies are based on five guideposts that help educators create early childhood environments that vividly connect children, adults, and the surrounding community. These community environments include connections to past and present, geography, typography, flora, and fauna.

Inspiring Spaces For Young Children

The classroom environment is an essential component for maximizing learning experiences for young children. Inspiring Spaces for Young Children invites teachers to enhance children’s educational environment in a beautiful way by emphasizing aesthetic environmental qualities that are often overlooked in early childhood classrooms, such as nature, color, furnishings, textures, displays, lighting, and focal points.

Step-by-step instructions and lush photographs take educators through the process of transforming ordinary classrooms into creative, beautiful learning spaces, providing children with an environment where they can learn and grow.

Rating Observation Scale For Inspiring Environments

A groundbreaking tool that assesses classrooms in a whole new way, The Rating Observation Scale for Inspiring Environments (ROSIE) is an observation rating scale that challenges teachers to examine classrooms in a totally new way: with an eye for what is aesthetically beautiful and inspiring.

Looking through an aesthetic lens of nature, color, furnishings, textures, displays, lighting, and focal points, educators will learn to determine a classroom’s level of aesthetic beauty.