Sandra Duncan





Why Nature?

Nature can teach us limitless lessons if we only take the time to open our eyes and look at its beauty—open our ears and listen to the many sounds and songs that are rippling through the breeze—and open our minds and hearts so we can learn from the Earth and its wondrous and amazing creatures.

Many of nature’s lessons are larger than life. Think about how a small insignificant acorn can grow into a strong and magnificent oak tree. Consider how salmon valiantly swim upstream returning to their birthplace to spawn. Or, marvel about how monarchs courageously flap their fragile wings and fly as far as 3000 miles to their winter homes. From these marvelous creatures, we can learn huge life lessons such as perseverance, patience, tenacity, or fortitude. But, because nature is wise in so many ways, it can teach us smaller, but not any less important, lessons about designing environments or habitats for young children.

Meet the Authors!

Sandra Duncan, EdD

My vision is to preserve the miracle and magic of childhood through play-space environments. I am an international consultant, author of seven books on environmental design of early childhood places; designer of two furniture collections, Sense of Place and Sense of Place for Wee Ones; and I'm an adjunct faculty member at Nova Southeastern University. I have designed and taught university courses on building early learning environments and I collaborate with architects, interior designers, and educators to create extraordinary places for all ages.

Christine Burkholder

Christine has served as a teacher, director, district manager, and entrepreneur in the early childhood field. She was the founder and CEO of Reggio-inspired Kids Country Day Schools in Ohio, and she is currently the CEO of Designing Environments for Growth and Inspiration (DEGI) for early childhood settings.

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